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Alpyn Beauty Survival Serum

We’re Hosting a V-Day Happy Hour for Plants

Alpenglow on mountaintops


In Germany, they call it “Alpenglühen.”

 In Italy, they romance it as “Enrosadira.” 

And in our hometown of Jackson Hole, it’s the optical phenomenon that inspires us: Alpenglow.  

That pink light that you see on our product boxes isn’t a filter, it’s a natural effect created by the mountains that surround us. We call it the plants’ “happy hour,” where they get to drink in a certain kind of magic that doesn’t happen every day–and it doesn’t happen everywhere. 

“It is the kind of thing that causes goosebumps on the skin,” says Kendra Kolb Butler. “You feel like a Disney princess when you stand in it because the horizon is just so breathtaking. It happens at both dawn and dusk. When we are wildcrafting, the pink light signals it's time for us all to take a break and go home. We let them absorb the light in private.” 

alpenglow on 4 mountaintops

@buckrailnews, @jazziwanders
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